
Tag_Vland research team at the Innovation Lab

Avian breeding

    Our traditional Chinese medicine offerings can be used at different Physiological stages to offer a full range of preventive health options:
    1)The use of DuoQiTai in brooding birds can supplement Qi in the blood and improve physical fitness, and immune system development, and enhance the bird’s survival rate against stress. Perhaps the most useful affect is DuoQiTai’s ability to and to improve the effectiveness of vaccine immunities.
    2) During the outbreak of a respiratory disease, HuDuGanNing, PuReQing and FuZhengJieDu can be used to provide quick and effective relief.
    3)PiWeiJian is effective against stress in layers and until egg production reaches 30% can reduce the incidence of diarrhea.
    4)As egg production increases in layers, DuoQiTai can improve the bird’s immune system.
    5)When the egg production rate is above 50%,KunYuSu can supplement Qi and blood, and prevent body weakness as the laying rate increases. Furthermore KanYuSu, can also reduce the incidence of disease caused by the high egg production rate. Similarly when a rooster’s diet is supplemented with YiJingSu, the growth rate can be accelerated.
    6)During peak egg production, the use of ShuGanNing has been shown to improve intestinal absorption of nutrients in the liver while YiJingSu can be used to facilitate nutrient transformation.
    7)Supplementing a rooster’s diet with YiJingSu prevents nutrient deficiencies in the kidneys, increases fertility and chick birthrate and reduces the replacement cost of males by 10%.

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